Front-End Development Nanodegree (Udacity, 2018)
A repository for the projects that I have done during my Udacity Front-End Development Nanodegree (full 6-month Scholarship by Google, 2018).
Click here for a detailed description of the program.
Project 1: Animal Trade Card
An exercise to use what I have learned about CSS to convert a design prototype into a functional webpage.
GitHub repository:
Project 2: My Portfolio
For this project, I built a responsive portfolio website that will display images, descriptions and links to portfolio projects.
GitHub repository:
Project 3: Memory Game
The objective of this project was to build a version of the classic memory game ‘Concentration’, using JavaScript, DOM selectors and Event Listeners.
GitHub repository:
Project 4: Arcade Game
I was provided with visual assets and a game loop engine; using these tools I added a number of entities to the game including the player characters and enemies to recreate a version of the classic arcade game Frogger.
I learnt JavaScript’s Object Oriented Programming features to write eloquently designed classes capable of creating countless instances of similarly functioning objects.
GitHub repository:
Project 5: Feed Reader Testing
An exercise on writing tests with Jasmine framework.
GitHub repository:
Project 6: Restaurant Reviews App
How a static webpage is converted to a mobile-ready & accessible web application, that can work offline with the help of a Service Worker.
GitHub repository:
Project 7: MyReads: A Book Tracking App (React)
A bookshelf app that allows the user to select and categorize books they have read, are currently reading, or want to read. The project emphasizes using React to build the application and provides an API server and client library that I used to persist information as the user interacts with the application.
GitHub repository:
Project 8: Neighborhood Map (React)
A Neighborhood Map single-page application made with React, using Google Maps API and Foursquare Places API to fetch information about the sights.
GitHub repository: